Prepare a C.V and a covering letter in response to the advertisement: ‘Product Manager”

Subject : Job Application for the post of “Product Manager”
1099/13, F. B. Area
Gulberg, Karachi
17th August, 2016
The Personnel Manager,
Box no. 1160,
c/o Daily Dawn, Karachi.
Respected Sir:
I am writing in reference to your advertisement for the above mentioned post, published in the issue of Daily Dawn, dated 17th August, 2016. I believe that my personal qualification and experience commensurate to the post, by which I can bring forward mutual benefit in future.
My subject of interest has been “Marketing” since the beginning of my professional qualification. I studied it in the practical context of my family business on one hand, and at MBA level, I achieved excellent position in terms of the manifestation of my knowledge. I am well-versed to the total operation of marketing, including the promotion, physical distribution, pricing and product development operations.
With my marketing skills, I have helped the FGH Company to boost up their sales in Karachi particularly and in the Sindh province generally. By better understanding of our product position, in comparison to those of our competitors, I have been successful in better positioning of our brand in these markets. My team work and leadership have been commended — evident from my rapid promotion during the two year-experience.
I am sure that I will not disappoint you in the personal and comprehensive explanation of my skills and capabilities, if L am provided an earlier interview appointment. Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours truly,
Abdul Samad


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