
Showing posts from August, 2016

Prepare a C.V and a covering letter in response to the advertisement: ‘Product Manager”

Subject : Job Application for the post of “Product Manager” 1099/13, F. B. Area Gulberg, Karachi 17th August, 2016 The Personnel Manager, Box no. 1160, c/o Daily Dawn, Karachi. Respected Sir: I am writing in reference to your advertisement for the above mentioned post, published in the issue of Daily Dawn, dated 17th August, 2016. I believe that my personal qualification and experience commensurate to the post, by which I can bring forward mutual benefit in future. My subject of interest has been “Marketing” since the beginning of my professional qualification. I studied it in the practical context of my family business on one hand, and at MBA level, I achieved excellent position in terms of the manifestation of my knowledge. I am well-versed to the total operation of marketing, including the promotion, physical distribution, pricing and product development operations. With my marketing skills, I have helped the FGH Company to boost up their sales in Karachi particularly and in ...