English 9th Chapter "THE GREAT WAR HERO" Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Major Raja Abdul Aziz Bhatti fought on the Lahore Front for _________ days and nights without rest.
    1. four
    2. five
    3. seven
    4. six
  2. Aziz Bhatti was born in ________ in Hong Kong.
    1. 1926
    2. 1927
    3. 1928
    4. 1929
  3. Aziz Bhatti’s home village was _________ in Gujrat District.
    1. Lar
    2. Ladian
    3. Lala Musa
    4. Lakhra
  4. Maj. Aziz Bhatti joined the _________ Punjab Regiment as a commissioned officer.
    1. 6th
    2. 4th
    3. 5th
    4. 7th
  5. Raja Aziz Bhatti’s father’s name was Muhammad _________ Khan Bhatti.
    1. Afaq
    2. Asghar
    3. Akhtar
    4. Abdullah
  6. In _________ Aziz Bhatti joined Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul.
    1. 1947
    2. 1949
    3. 1948
    4. 1950
  7. Maj. Aziz Bhatti was awarded the Sword of Honour and the __________ Medal at Kakul for his performance.
    1. Normal
    2. Norman
    3. Norway
    4. Northern
  8. Maj. Aziz Bhatti laid down his life on September ________, 1965.
    1. 11
    2. 12
    3. 13
    4. 14
  9. For his valour, Maj.Aziz Bhatti got __________.
    1. Sitara-e-Jurrat
    2. Hilal-e-lmtiaz
    3. HHa-e-Pakistan
    4. Nishan-e-Haider
  10. Nishan-e-Haider is the ___________ military award of Pakistan.
    1. second highest
    2. third highest
    3. highest
    4. fourth highest


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