MOEN JO DARO - Chapter Summary

MOEN JO DARO - Chapter Summary

English 9th class Chapter "MOEN JO DARO "

The ruins of Moen-jo-Daro are 27 km from Larkana. They were discovered in 1922.The people of Moen-jo-Daro were rich and civilized. Their city was well-planned and clean. These people were traders who traveled widely. Some of them were farmers and others were skilled craftsmen. The finds of Moen-jo-Daro are kept in a museum there. The best find of Moen-jo-Daro is the head of a bull which was used as a seal. Metal tools found from there gave the probable age of Moen-jo-Daro as 4,500 years old. Nobody knows what destroyed them. They might have been destroyed by a great earthquake or they were raided from the north. Their language has not yet been deciphered.


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