CHILDREN - Question Answers

CHILDREN - Question Answers

English 9th Chapter "CHILDREN" Question Answers

Q.1 : What questions perplexed the poet? How has his questions been answered?

Ans : The poet was perplexed by the thought of his old age and ultimate death. Then the poet thought that children are the signs of life. The old people depart from the world and the children replace them. He understands the life cycle of man and is satisfied now.

Q.2 : How are children different from the poet?

Ans : Children are young, fresh, lively and happy. The poet is old, worried and unhappy. The chapter of life is opening to children and it is closing to the poet.

Q.3 : How can the birds and the sunshine be in the hearts of children?

Ans : Birds are always happy. The sunshine is a sign of life. The birds and the sunshine are in the hearts of children mean that children are happy, energetic and full of life.

Q.4 : What would happen to us if there were no children?

Ans : Children are a source of joy and brightness. The world would become a dark desert without children. We would feel sad and fearful because the life cycle of man would come to an end without children.

Q.5 : The poet calls the children living and the rest all dead. Why does he say this?

Ans : Children and poems both gives us amusement and happiness, the children are full of life and the poems, are without life. That is why the poet calls the children living and the rest all dead.

Q.6 : What Is the message/central idea of the poem. “Children”?

Ans : The message/central idea of the poem is that children are a great source of happiness on earth. There will be no life on earth without children. All the world will become a dark place and a desert without children.

Q.7 : Write a few lines on Henry Longfellow.

Ans : Henry Longfellow was an American poet. He was born in 1807 and died in 1882. He was a professor at the Harvard University. He was interested in the culture of other universities and had travelled widely.


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