The Girl and the Spider - Story

The Girl and the Spider

Short Story on "The Girl and the Spider"

Once, there lived a beautiful girl named Amelia.

One day, Amelia was climbing the stairs to the attic to play with her toys. Alas! Her frock, made out of muslin cloth, was torn by a sharp nail. When Amelia saw the torn hem of her favourite frock, she became very sad. She kept crying for a long time. Hearing her sobs, a Spider who was busy weaving his web, came out. He asked, “What makes this beautiful girl sad?”

Amelia looked at him and sobbed. She said, “My lovely frock is torn. I am very sad.”

The Spider smiled and said, “Look at me! I work so hard in weaving my web. It takes hours and hours to create my home and only a second for it to be destroyed. I had made my home only yesterday. It was ashed away by your maid this morning. I was also very sad. Then I thought that instead of being sad, I should start weaving my home, again. So, don’t cry now. Mend your frock, instead. That way, your precious tears won’t be wasted.”

Moral :
Do not waste time in thinking of what is lost.


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